NEW 2600 RSS FEED + OTH/OTW SHOW DELIVERY is now making available an RSS feed for our readers' convenience. It contains the headlines for articles posted to our website, and in addition can be used to automate downloading of our radio programs Off the Hook and Off the Wall.

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. It allows news headlines and other sorts of information to be published in a standard XML format which can then be read by different software programs. The most popular use of RSS is a piece of software called an aggregator, which collects news from a number of websites and then displays it to you in a simple form. A number of such aggregators are available for various computer platforms. Other uses of RSS have included screensavers, SMS notification, and web based RSS portals, so have a look at it, and surprise us with a something new as well.

Our RSS feed can be found here:

In addition to 2600 news, each week we post streaming and archived versions of both Off the Hook and Off the Wall radio shows. To this end, our feed supports an RSS feature called enclosures. Many RSS aggregators can now automatically download the shows each week and even automatically transfer the MP3 files to your portable music player.

To have the shows delivered to your computer and/or portable music player, download one of the applications from, install, and configure to use the 2600 RSS feed. Each week, as we publish the audio shows, the shows will automatically be downloaded to your computer or portable music device.

If you just use a RSS aggregator without enclosure support, the MP3 links to the show will be available along with news, but the MP3 files will not be automatically downloaded.

If you have any questions about getting the audio on your music device or computer, send us an email.