procedure dobump; {Now u guess what this one does..hehehe} var difx, {The X axis difference} dify, {The Y axis difference} col:byte; {Used in many points..} l1:integer; {General use} begin lx:=160; {The starting position of the light source} ly:=100; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} l1:=0; repeat inc(l1); lx:=round(cos(l1/13)*66+160); ly:=round(sin(l1/23)*66+100); {^^^^ those two make sure the light moves in a nice round path..} for x:=1 to 319 do for y:=1 to 190 do begin {This is where the important stuff is done} {Here we will light the point x,y if lx,ly is the light position} vlx:=x-lx; {Calculate the L vector} vly:=y-ly; {>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>} if (vlx<130) and (vlx>-130) and (vly>-130) and (vly<130 ) then begin {This is some stupid way to gain speed.. if the light vector is too far away from the point we want to light then don't will probably get no light..} nx:=mem[vaddr:x+y*320+1]-mem[vaddr:x+y*320-1]; ny:=mem[vaddr:x+(y+1)*320]-mem[vaddr:x+(y-1)*320];